Preservation, conservation, and protection are essential
Many animals that were used to be copious and abundant...

Many animals that were used to be copious and abundant in the past are becoming endangered or even some are extinct. It can only be elucidated by anthropogenic activities i.e., human actions. We have used and eaten these animals to the large extent without considering their preservation. Their numbers kept on declining until they get endangered or extinct. If we had a better sense of preservation, protection, and conservation as well as the significance of biodiversity in our ecosystem, then we would have this lost biodiversity still around us.

Preservation, conservation, and protection are essential because without them the ecosystems fall apart. Hence, the biodiversity becomes extinct. We often concern about the cute animals such as monkeys, eagles, tigers, cats, and dogs. However, looking after animals and wildlife that are not so cute like cod, wasps, and jellyfish is also equally important.

Preservation is not only vital for wildlife but for all living beings. It is also essential for preventing floods, droughts, fires, and new deserts. It is necessary to guard natural areas and habitats such as rainforests. If we go on damaging and destructing the rainforests then this will elevate the production of harmful greenhouse gasses which will further warm up our planet. This will melt the Antarctic and Arctic ice caps, causing the sea-level rise and eventually flooding.

Another change that can occur is that new deserts will be formed. It happens when our warming earth has less water, less moisture, and less vegetation. Hence, things will stop growing and result in more barren lands and deserts. By desert, it does not necessarily mean a hot and sandy area but it can also be a cold and dry place, not comfortable for our living.

Conservation and preservation should be done by humans as to prevent the damages and destructions to our planet by humans. Natural resources such as water, natural gasses, oil, food, and wood become scarce when we do not conserve them. If not protected, these natural reserves can become so much scarce that states may get desperate for these and battles can start over these resources. This will further make these resources less plentiful and rarer.

Sooner instead of later, we have to realize that our world is constantly changing negatively and we are all accountable for such changes. We should adopt eco-friendly habits to protect our environment. Our negligence will only result in wars, global warming, and extinction. It is the right time to think about our environment, ecosystems, and biodiversity and do such activities that augment these components. We need to use green products and the products which are recyclable and reusable. We should employ techniques that are environment-friendly and pose no adversaries to any of the components of the environment. All developments should be made by taking our environment in consideration. Preserving nature means that we are protecting our own lives and the lives of our generations to come. Believe it, our next generations will never pardon us for the damages we are causing to our environment.

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    Justin Walker